Tuesday, November 14, 2006

CTGIMO020E The transaction is rolled back

I was working with ITIM 4.6 today creating Organizational Units and Locations. Then I figured it was time to create some users. When I added the user and then clicked submit I received this error:

Error Page
Error message: CTGIMO020E The transaction is rolled back.
Detail: {0}

Luckily I was using Firefox or I would have encountered an even more useless error message from IE like "The Page cannot be Displayed". Internal Server Error".

After some research and some help from IBM, the problem truned out to be the WebSphere Embedded Messaging.

Transactions such as adding users will use the ITIM workflow engine which relys on MQ. If MQ is not running then you will get these error messages in your browser. So when I typed:


I got the following:

QMNAME(WAS_tim1_server1) STATUS(Ended unexpectedly)

So it looked like MQ was hosed. IBM sent me the following technote for Unix which solved the problem:

DCF Document ID: 1243466 - IBM Tivoli Identity Manager: Manually re-create the ITIM 4.6.0 Queues (MQ 5.3 and WAS 5.1.1) on UNIX

Problem Desc: From time to time, it is necessary to re-create the ITIM Queues that reside in MQ Series.

Solution: In the commands shown below - typical values for parameters are:



Rij said...

Thanks Charles! Your note was really helpful. BTW, I really liked the idea of starting up a blog for lack of documentation on certain IBM features. Thanks again!

Jin said...

Hey - thanks for this! My customer ran into this issue. Did IBM give you a reason for re-creating the queues? Like why do you have to re-create it? How often have you had to do this since?

Unknown said...

We do that one time a day at 4:00 AM, but we still have this error, anyone know why this error happens.-

Jesse Santana said...


Thanks for the document link. It helped solve our issue!
